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  • 企业名称:Tican a.m.b.a
  • 企业类别:综合



Tican a.m.b.a 是一家现代化、全球化的食品公司,总部位于丹麦齐斯泰兹,拥有长期合作伙伴541位,现有员工1873名。 我公司是一个合作团体,主要在齐斯泰兹经营肉类屠宰场。Tican的产品备受欢迎,并且85-90%的产品用于出口。将区域型的合作屠宰场发展成跨国食品集团是我们的发展目标。 Tican a.m.b.a. is a modern and globally-oriented food company based in Thisted,Denmark with 541 co-op members and 1,873 employees. The company is a cooperative, and its main activities are carried out at the pig slaughterhouse in Thisted.85-90% of the production is exported and from all Danish meat exporters Tican s products are the preferred choice.The long-term goal is to change from being a regional cooperative slaughterhouse to a multinational food group.