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  • 企业名称:项城市恒祥有限公司
  • 企业类别:综合



 恒祥有限公司致力于绿色饲料添加剂的开发与研究,多年从事植物提取和化工合成,完善的产品质量检测仪器,合理先进的生产设备,是产品质量的保证体系。2000年引进种植中药“牛至草”,采取公司+农户的模式,开发天然无公害饲料添加剂。公司生产 “添德利”牌高科技最新型饲料添加剂:牛至油(牛至草提取),甜菜碱、大蒜素、有机铜、双乙酸钠、蛋氨酸铜、铁、锌、锰络合物等系列产品,得到了客户的广泛认可。与国家农科院、中国农业大学、河南农大等多所院校联合承担两项 “九五”,一项“十五” 国家科技攻关项目。独立承担两项省“八五”科技攻关项目,2001年被河南省科技厅授予“河南省优秀民营科技企业”。公司奉科技为第一生产力,把科技立企作为恒祥公司的根本,精心培植恒祥公司由小变大、由弱变强,经受了市场的考验,引起了业界注重,公司开发的新型饲料添加剂项目2003年被国家科技部列入“国家级火炬计划项目”,2005年被周口市政府授于“农业产业化重点龙头企业”,先后荣获“河南省科技成果一等奖”,“科技进步三等奖”,“项城市科技先进企业”,牛至油项目2005年被“郑州先进适用技术交易会”授于金奖,并申报国家专利两项。2003年通过ISO9001-2000质量体系认证,产品用户遍及全国二十多个省市,并打入国际市场,远销泰国、朝鲜、韩国、东南亚等国家。公司履守诚信、务实、理智、严谨的信念,保证产品质量百分百,客户满意率百分百。公司发展目标:以开发绿色产品为起点,确保产品使用效果为目的,发展自身回报社会为宗旨。热诚为客户着想,与业界同仁共谋发展!   Xiangcheng hengxiang CO., LTD concentrate on the development and the research of the green feed additive, be engaged in exrtact from the plant and chemical synthesize for many years, perfect instrument for product quantity’ inspection, reasonable advanced of production equipments, which is a guaranteeing system of product quantity. Introduce to in Chinese herbal medicine ‘origanum vulgarel ‘ to plant " in 2000, and developed green environmentally harmless feed additive by adopt the company+ the peasant mode. Xiangcheng hengxiang CO., LTD which combine with very important scientific research university research and produce the "baixing"" tendly" brand latest type high-tech and feed additive: origano oil (exrtact from the origanum vulgarel grass), betaine、garlicin、organic、copper、organic chromium、sodium diacetate、copper methionine complex、iron methionine complex、zinc methionine complex、manganese methionine complex etc. and win the first prize of Henan technology achievement, The third prize of advance technology progresses, Xiangcheng city advanced technology enterprise, and independence undertake the two of ba wu technology item, Xiangcheng hengxiang CO., LTD was awarded to excellent private enterprise in Henna province. Our company which joint with agriculture science department of China undertake two of national"jiu wu" items, and one of"shi wu" the technology reseach items. And pass ISO9001-2000 quantity systems accreditation. Our production spread Thailand Korea, Southeast Asia and Euro-American etc in international market.Our obey trustworthiness, try to be practical, rational, astringent, guarantee the product quantity 100 percent, customer satisfaction rate 100 percent .Our company development target: develop the green product as base, and insure the result of product usage for purpose, and develop the oneself to repay the society togother. We will try our best to think for our customers, with the commerce colleague collusion development!