- 企业名称:PIC中国公司
- 企业类别:综合
- 企业负责人:
- 企业电话::021-54451616
- 企业传真:021-54451662
- 企业网址:http://www.picchina.com/
- 企业所在地: 上海市 查看本地区还有哪些企业
- 企业地址:上海市田州路99号新安大楼903-904室
- 企业邮编:200233
- 经营范围:
- 公司性质:其它 查看本类型所有企业
- 成立时间:
PIC公司成立于1962年,历经40余年已成为全球第一大的猪育种公司。随着公司业务种类和范围的不断拓展,PIC已在世界30多个国家和地区建立了合资或独资企业,年销售种猪超过200万头。 2001年,在PIC公司的基础上成立了Sygen国际集团,并成为英国伦敦的上市公司(交易代码:SNI)。PIC公司的成功得益于其在健康的遗传改良和实用技术开发等多方面的投入和成果。中国市场已成为Sygen国际集团发展的重点。 从1996年以来,PIC已经在中国建立了两个核心场及十余个扩繁场,现已成为中国最大的猪育种改良公司,PIC正在为中国的猪种改良做出积极的贡献。 Established in 1962, PIC has developed to take the top position on pig breeding genetic improvement. After 40 years development, PIC has expended its business to more than 30 countries and regions and has become market leaders in most places it operates. Rooted from PIC, Sygen group was built up in 2001 and successfully go public in London Stock Exchange. PIC brings benefits to its customers by providing super advanced genetic improvement solutions and one-stop technical support and services. Since 1996, PIC China has set up 2 nucleus production farms and more than 10 multipliers. Currently, PIC China has become the largest pig genetic improvement provider in China market. PIC is contributing to China swine business development and fully committing to China customers.