- 企业名称:中外合资河北泛亚龙腾纸业有限公司
- 企业类别:其它
- 企业负责人:
- 企业电话::********
- 企业传真:0311-7897051
- 企业网址:http://shuju.aweb.com.cn
- 企业所在地: 北京市 查看本地区还有哪些企业
- 企业地址:河北省石家庄市中山西路48号华银大厦8层
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- 公司性质:不限 查看本类型所有企业
- 成立时间:
北泛亚龙腾纸业有限公司是由新加坡泛亚纸业公司和河北龙腾纸业公司共同出资建设的中外合资企业,总投资3.16亿美元。目前是世界上设备最先进、速度最快,亚洲单机规模最大的新闻纸生产厂,年产量为33万吨,占地面积500亩,计划到2005年7月份建成投产。公司致力于保护绿色环境,以100%回收废纸为原料,相当于每年免于砍伐510万棵30年生松树,为人类创造更加美好、和谐的家园做出贡献。 Hebei Pan Asia Longteng Paper Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Pan Asia Paper Pte. Ltd. and Hebei Longteng Paper Company. With a total investment US6 million, the mill is designed to be the most advanced and fastest paper machine in the world. It is currently the biggest stand-alone production in Asia. The factory, covering an area of 500 mu, is expected to start production in July 2005 with a planned capacity of 330,000 metric tones per year. The raw material for production is 100% recycled waste paper, effectively saving a total of 5.1 million 30-year-old pine trees from being cut per year. We are committed to protecting the environment, and shall strive to be recognized a champion and advocate of green management. 我们热忱欢迎您加入,公司将根据员工的能力和经验提供良好的薪酬福利及培训发展机会。