您的位置: 农博网> 数据中心> 企业>廊坊中基金米兰咖啡有限公司
  • 企业名称:廊坊中基金米兰咖啡有限公司
  • 企业类别:其它



1、成立于1995年,由意大利罗西集团(ROSSI GROUP)和中国出口基地建设总公司共同投资兴办。是国内咖啡业的先驱。 Set up in 1995, jointly invested by Rossi Group and China National Export Bases Development Corporation. 2、公司总部设于北京,烘焙工厂设于廊坊,华东地区办事处设于上海。 The head office is located in Beijing, the roasting plant is located in Langfang, The East China Office is located in Shanghai. 3、咖啡豆选自南美洲,东南亚和非洲。 Selects the green bean from South America, South East Asia and Africa. 4、采用世界上最先进和专业的咖啡机,品牌有Brasilia, Schaerer, WMF, Curtis, Fetco. Distributes the most advanced and professional coffee machines around the world, such as the band Brasilia, Schaerer, WMF, Curtis, Fetco. 5、国内少数几家可以做咖啡文化专业培训的机构之一,所用教材由国际咖啡组织和罗西集团共同编纂。 Milan Gold is one of the few organizations which are able to make the professional training regarding to the coffee industry and culture. The training course is jointly made by ICO (International Coffee Organization ) and Rossi Group. 6、经受了酒店业7年考验的专业高效的售后服务队伍,相关人员在意大利和瑞士接受过严格训练。Professional and efficient after sale service team has 7 years experience in Hotel industry. The team leaders have been well trained in Italy and Swiss. 7、中国大陆烘焙咖啡产销量最大的公司。 Biggest roasted coffee company in Mainland China. 8、每年在国内有12,000,000人次饮用我公司咖啡制品。 12,000,000 cups coffee which made by our products are sold in China every year. 9、主要客户为: Main Customers: 四五星级饭店(独家供应商),如香格里拉集团旗下的酒店,六洲集团(假日,皇冠,洲际)旗下的酒店,喜来登集团旗下的酒店,锦江集团旗下的酒店,金陵集团等等。 4 or 5 star hotels, such as the members of Shangri-La, Six Continents, Sheraton, Jinjiang and Jinling, etc. 办公室,如法国雅高集团住北京办事处,法国东方汇理银行驻北京办事处,意大利大使馆,雪铁龙公司驻北京办事处,上海无线通信公司,中国人民保险公司上海分公司等等。 Offices. 金融机构营业厅,民生银行在北京的所有营业场所,中信实业银行的部分营业场所等等。 Finance organizations.